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Join Us. Be Happier.

Hi! I'm Mary Tan aka Da Jie(大姐)

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I just want to let you know this is not a typical career page you would see!

Being a Real Estate Agent may appear glamorous, but let's face the truth - it's far from easy. While others showcase a life of luxury, that's merely the reality for a privileged few, the top 5-10%. The rest of us endure countless hurdles and untold sacrifices along the way.


Some may say, "It's about the process" when you don't do well. But it's ironic because no one truly sees the relentless effort and determination until you've achieved success. It's as if the team only acknowledges your journey retrospectively.


So, let me ask you: When was the last time your agency actually supported you? Are your "approachable leaders" always within reach when you need guidance or assistance? 


You understand what I'm getting at, don't you?


These challenges often make us feel isolated as if we're fighting a solitary battle. But it doesn't have to be that way.

At MTD, unlike other agencies or teams, you'll be part of a community that cares about your journey. No more feeling isolated or fighting a solitary battle. Our love and family-oriented values allow us to foster a culture where selfless advice and dedicated marketing support are the norms. 


Join MTD, and discover a community that empowers your dreams and helps you achieve 6-Figure income. Together, we'll conquer challenges, celebrate victories, and make your dream a reality.

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Work at Mary Tan District.

Join a team and
your growth.

You got the freedom to grow at your own pace. See our areas of work, career path, and opportunities
for both new and experienced agents.

"MTD not only gave me an enabling 
environment. But the trust and support to anything I pursue." 

Willi Ching,  District Director

Life at  Mary Tan District.

Join our community 
help define it.

We love a fun working culture where we bring everybody in. Start living life more exciting daily than you could have even imagined in MTD.

"It's hard to have a place where we are not just colleagues. But a close friend and a family."

Linda, Senior District Director

Life at  Mary Tan District.

Join the leading group to
your next stage.

Discover how much you can gain: Get supported 
by people, resources, and technologies
that bring you to the next level.

"Be Empowered. Be Bold. 
Build your confidence to challenge anything and succeed."

Mary Tan, Head of MTD Group

See what my associates say 

Talk to Mary Tan Now!

Explore different career paths and unlimited
business opportunities with us.

Join us now to enjoy these benefits!

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Your Information will not be disclosed or used for any marketing purposes.

Disclaimer: Welcome Package is subjected to changes without prior notice. 

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